Insights from visiting Venezuelan Communist

Carolus Wimmer is a deputy to the Latin American Parliament for Venezuela and head of the International Bureau of the Communist Party of Venezuela. He was also special adviser to the Chairman of the country’s National Assembly from 2001-2002 and Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the National Assembly from 2002-2003. He founded the theoretical journal Debate Abierto (Open Debate) in 1997 and produces a weekly radio program dealing with social and political questions.
He recently completed a very successful speaking tour of several Australian cities at the invitation of the Venezuela Solidarity Network, which includes the Communist Party of Australia. In Adelaide, he took time out of his busy schedule to speak with Bob Briton of The Guardian about the dramatic changes taking place in Venezuela and Latin America and the challenges still facing the Bolivarian Revolution.Read more
it is good to see international people taking the tome to visit adelaide.
It is indeed. Carolus was really pleased with the response and the support he received whilst here in Adelaide and we hope to continue to suport the people of Venezuela in the revolutionaryu process in any way we can.
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