Communist Party candidate in the by election for Port Adelaide, Bob Briton, today expressed concern at reports that Australia’s military planners would like to see the upgrading of Port Adelaide “to enable huge navy amphibious ships to load troops and equipment”.
“Port Adelaide is already host to Techport – a military industries hub at Osborne – which produces Air Warship Destroyers, submarines and other equipment designed to fight under US command in pursuit of US military objectives.
“It has nothing to do with defending our sovereignty and everything to do with an eventual showdown between the US and China. China is our largest trading partner and has shown no aggression towards Australia or any other country in the region. In whose interest is it to go rattling the sabre like this?
“The suggestion that Australia needs expanded US naval bases and even facilities for US nuclear submarines near Perth should rouse indignation in all Australians concerned about a drift to war.”
Mr Briton also commented on reports on the questioning of Defence SA chief executive Andrew Fletcher about the involvement of his organisation in garden projects on the LeFevre Peninsula.
“The reason Defence SA is involved in landscaping on the LeFevre Peneinsula is that they are engaged in a charm offensive on the people of the area, to sooth nerves about the militarization of the Port district and the state.
“We have Techport, we have schools feeding students into military industries through specialized curricula and now it looks as if we are going to get huge ships loading troops and equipment from Port Adelaide. We are also going to have uranium exported to India out of the Port if we can’t unite to head off all these reckless plans,” Mr Briton said.