Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Shameful Truth about Work Choices.

Six or seven months back I was employed by a local arts organisation to do some set-up/pack down work after performances. Whilst signing the paperwork at the reception area of the studio I was lucky enough to hear one of the management rave on about all the wonderful benefits of Work Choices. This gave me the distinct impression that even though I wasn't signing an AWA, somewhere in the not-too-distant future I would be. The contract I signed was certainly no EBA and in fact I've had a grand total of six hours work with this unscrupulous mob since that day about seven months ago (and they still owe me one hours pay!). If this can happen in an Arts organisation with strong union representation what must it be like for workers at Bi-Lo or KFC?

Walking past a local MP's office a few weeks back I noticed some very slick advertising signs in the window, these caught my eye only after I'd been visually bombarded by the name 'Amanda Vanstone' which certainly cannot be missed from any direction you approach (Don't worry Amanda you'll be a household name in no time, love that song!!). The signs in question were advertising the creation of thousands of new jobs each month since Work choices. I have no doubt that my new job accounts for one of these stats. Six hours in six months, thankyou Work Choices, where would we workers be without you?

To read the latest on Work Choices in the Guardian click here

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Reds Under the Bed: Episode 2

The first episode of the West Adelaide Branch podcast 'Reds Under the Bed' is now available for download at the top of the box widget on the right hand side of this page. If you are still using Internet Explorer you may have to scroll all the way to the bottom of this page and look to the right to find the downloads box. This is due to a formatting problem with Microsoft Internet Explorer and is yet another good reason to ditch Explorer in favour of a better browser such as Firefox 2. This is a free web browser which is far more secure and user friendly than Exploiter (er Explorer) and is far more likely to present web pages on your screen as they were intended by the author. The bottom line is.....Explorer is rubbish!

Now that I've had a dig at Microsoft I will talk about the podcast. In this second episode we speak with CFMEU organiser Vinnie Molina about the case of the 107 in Perth. We also speak with HSU secretary Jorge Navas on the subject of health workers in South Australia and we play some music from socialist singer Alistair Hulett. We welcome your feedback which can also be sent to the above email address.

Enjoy the program!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Scoop: Chávez Pays Unexpected Visit to Adelaide Communists

The democratically elected leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías has paid an unexpected visit to Australia only days after a bill which will enable him to rule by decree was passed in the Venezuelan National Assembly. Mr Chavez arrived in Adelaide early yesterday afternoon where he was quickly whisked away to meet with members of the West Adelaide Branch of the Communist Party of Australia.

Sporting his preferred military fatigues, Mr Chavez drank some of Adelaide's famous 'Bolivarian Red' (pictured below), and shared Cuban cigars with the excited comrades. The cigars were a gift from Cuban President Fidel Castro who also sent his best wishes to the newly formed branch of the CPA.

After speaking to the West Adelaide branch members about the progress of the revolution in Venezuela, President Chavez spoke on Australia's new industrial relations regime, which he referred to as 'deshonra de mierda', which roughly translated to English means 'a f@%&ng disgrace'. He also referred to Australian Prime minister as 'Brother Danger', obviously a reference to John Howard's close relationship with President Bush who is often referred to by Chavez as 'Mr Danger' (for obvious reasons).

President Chavez boarded his plane back to Caracas first thing this morning, congratulating the Australian left for their 'iron-clad resistance to the so-called 'Work Choices' legislation and it's continued work in the area of solidarity with the people of Venezuela. More press photos to be added asap.